A highlight of Professor of Music and South Asian Studies Richard K. Wolf’s recent exploits.

indian colors festival
Dec 11, 2022, Road to Shimshal valley, Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan. Photographed by Richard K. Wolf

Richard K. Wolf traveled to Pakistan in November to launch a traditional music archiving initiative and screen his film Two Poets and a River in Islamabad and Gilgit-Baltistan. From there, he continued to the Nilgiri Hills in South India, where he shot footage for a project that draws on archival footage dating back in 1938. In April, Wolf traveled to the Republic of Georgia to conduct preliminary research on music and border zones, and interviewed Russian migrants following mobilization. Following that, he traveled to Dushanbe, Tajikistan, where he screened his film for a live and virtual audience—an event covered by Radio Free Europe and Voice of America Dari service. In July, he received an award from the International Council for Traditional Music for the best article published in the years 2021-2022: The Musical Poetry of Endangered Languages.