Awards up to $30,000 to Catalyze Change in India
The Seed for Change (SFC) student competition provides monetary prizes to bold, creative ideas that have the potential for widespread impact in India. The SFC competition aims to develop a vibrant ecosystem for innovation and entrepreneurship by supporting interdisciplinary student projects that could positively impact social, economic, and environmental issues in India.
Awards and Eligibility
One grand prize of up to $30,000 will be awarded each year, operating on a twelve-month project timeline; up to two runner-up prizes of up to $5,000 may be awarded for exploratory travel grants in the summer.
Harvard undergraduate and graduate students are eligible to apply. Only projects that take place in India can be submitted for consideration, and projects in the early seed stages are prioritized over start-ups that have previously received support.
Applications must be submitted by February 7, 2025.