3rd Floor One Bow Street and South Asian Studies Department Resources

Building Issues

Harvard University Facilities and Crosspoint both manage One Bow Street. If there is an urgent building issue, then please be in touch with building serves using PRESTO https://oprp.fas.harvard.edu/presto-2

IT Issues

Call or email the HUIT Help Desk (5-7777, ithelp@harvard.edu) to troubleshoot & resolve hardware, software and email issues and to specify/set up/install new systems, printers, hardware and software.



The Department copier is located on the 3rd Floor of One Bow Street in the Kitchen area. It is operated by Crimson Print (https://huit.harvard.edu/crimson-print).


Department administrative area will issue you a key to your office and will program your HUID number into the system so you may have access when the building is restricted.


Mailboxes for facutly, graduate students, teaching assistants, and teaching fellows are located on the third floor of One Bow Street.

Incoming Mail

Outgoing University Mail

There is a tray next to the mailboxes.

UPS/Fed Ex


To apply for or renew a parking permit visit the website of the Harvard Parking Office (https://www.transportation.harvard.edu/parking).

Seminars and Workshops-General
The news and events section of our website has information on workshops, seminars, and the South Asian Studies Colloquium series. 

Travel – International SOS
Harvard has contracted with International SOS to provide emergency medical and security evacuation services to Harvard faculty, students, and staff traveling outside the U.S. on University-related business  To print a card, and to obtain more informational about International SOS, please visit the Harvard-SOS website.

South Asian Studies Classrooms