Option B Requirements

Basic Requirements – 11 courses (44 credits)

  1. Required courses:
    1. Four courses in Hindi-Urdu, Sanskrit, Tamil, or Tibetan.
    2. Six additional courses in South Asian Studies, of which at least two must be 100-level non-language courses. Courses for this requirement may include departmental offerings and courses with a South Asia emphasis offered in other departments or as General Education courses, with the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
  2. Tutorial: South Asian Studies 98r (Junior Tutorial, one term), individual or group tutorial (letter-graded).
  3. Thesis: None.
  4. General Examination: None.
  5. Other information: One course taken Pass/Fail or SAT/UNS may be counted for concentration credit with the approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Requirements for Honors Eligibility – 13 courses (52 credits)

  1. Required courses: Same as Basic Requirements, with the addition of a year-long senior tutorial (South Asian Studies 99r) leading to a thesis.
  2. Thesis: Required of all senior honors candidates.
  3. General Examination: Honors candidates must take an oral examination based on the work in the concentration and on the thesis.
  4. Other information: Same as Basic Requirements.