Administrative Information

indian colors festival

Welcome to the South Asian Studies Department!  In an effort to better support your teaching, research, and administrative activities we have created this web page to both provide you with information about the resources in the South Asian Studies, and Harvard, as well as help you figure out who does what within the department. This section contains information and resources for new faculty and visitors:  from how to obtain your Harvard ID to figuring out the exam schedule and everything in between.  You can also visit the FAS Office of Faculty Affairs’ Onboarding Overview for New Faculty for additional support and resources. We hope that you find this helpful in getting oriented to the department and a useful reference in the future.

First Things First
ID Card, Harvard Key, and E-Mail

Obtain your Harvard ID from the Smith Campus Service Center located on the 8th floor of Smith Campus Center (see  Your ID card will allow you to use the Harvard University library system, to enter One Bow Street after hours, and for various other University facilities. 

Please follow these instructions to obtain your Harvard Key.  You’ll use your key to access the Harvard College Libraries and Harvard’s secure wireless network.  You should also set up two-step verification  Your FAS email account will be set up as part of the Harvard Key process.

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Onboarding Overview for New Faculty

The FAS Office of Faculty Affairs’ Onboarding Overview for New Faculty will help new faculty get off to a productive start in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. 

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Onboarding Overview for Teaching Assistants

For booking rooms, you can look to see which classrooms are available and request reservations in the Harvard EMS RoomBook app. /
For further assistance, you may reach out to Harvard Classrooms ( However, per the Registrar’s policy, they will only help find rooms for courses following FAS approved schedules (

For photocopying and printing, HUIT will connect your Harvard approved device to the CrimsonPrint photocopier in the department. Further information and troubleshooting help can be found here:

Further FAS Policy and Guidelines for TA’s can be found here:

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3rd Floor One Bow Street and South Asian Studies Department Resources

Building Issues

Harvard University Facilities and Crosspoint both manage One Bow Street. If there is an urgent building issue, then please be in touch with building serves using PRESTO

IT Issues

Call or email the HUIT Help Desk (5-7777, to troubleshoot & resolve hardware, software and email issues and to specify/set up/install new systems, printers, hardware and software.



The Department copier is located on the 3rd Floor of One Bow Street in the Kitchen area. It is operated by Crimson Print (


Department administrative area will issue you a key to your office and will program your HUID number into the system so you may have access when the building is restricted.


Mailboxes for facutly, graduate students, teaching assistants, and teaching fellows are located on the third floor of One Bow Street.

Outgoing University Mail

There is a tray next to the mailboxes.



To apply for or renew a parking permit visit the website of the Harvard Parking Office (

Seminars and Workshops-General
The news and events section of our website has information on workshops, seminars, and the South Asian Studies Colloquium series. 


Travel – International SOS
Harvard has contracted with International SOS to provide emergency medical and security evacuation services to Harvard faculty, students, and staff traveling outside the U.S. on University-related business  To print a card, and to obtain more informational about International SOS, please visit the Harvard-SOS website.

South Asian Studies Classrooms
The two classrooms in the Department, 317 and 330, are under FAS-purview

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Seminar Expenses

Please discuss in advance any seminar, lecture, or event you wish to plan with the Department Administrator. If you wish to invite a guest for an event, please ensure proper steps are taken to process their reimbursements.

Financial Reports


There is a very strict sixty-day limit on the processing of expenses. The sixty-day period begins from the date of purchase and ends when the paperwork reaches the FAS financial office.  Please submit all expenses within 45-days of purchase. Faculty can use the Concur system to process their expenses. Graduate students and visitors such as guest speakers must be onboarded in Buy2Pay and submit a Non-employee Reimbursement Form along with their receipts.


Faculty members or their staff may arrange travel directly with Harvard Travel (496-8000) or by using Egencia at  First time users should consult the Harvard Travel website. Harvard Travel can bill costs directly to your Harvard accounts or Corporate MasterCard if you wish. If you use your own credit card, travel cannot be reimbursed until after the trip has been completed.  Please see Nancy Branco (nbranco@wjh) about Harvard account numbers, expense reports, and reimbursements.  Harvard Travel Policies can be found on the FAS Finance Office website under “Policies.”

Payroll Information

Faculty are paid on the last working day of the month.  To set up direct deposit, go to, click on the PeopleSoft icon, and log on with your Harvard Key. In PeopleSoft you will be able to access your pay stub, enter or change your tax exemptions, if you wish, and set up direct deposit. Your first check will be a paper check sent to your home or office address; subsequent checks will then be direct deposited to your bank account.

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Photocopying and Printing

Copier 3rd Floor One Bow Street

Printer 3rd Floor One Bow Street

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The Department pays the basic phone charges for your telephone line each month.

Harvard Phone Numbers

Harvard has several exchanges: 384, 493, 495, 496, and 998.  You can call any telephone in the University by dialing the last five digits (i.e. 5-2152).

Harvard Phone (


If you have any telephone problems please contact HUIT at 5-9000 or

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Individual Web Sites

We recommend that faculty set up a site on CampusPress (

CampusPress is a WordPress-powered platform designed for higher education websites. Create and manage a website or blog using Harvard-branded templates with pre-vetted plugins and blocks. CampusPress is available to the Harvard community and requests for sites are reviewed by the Harvard Web Publishing team and our school-based partners.

Standout features for CampusPress include: creating complex page layouts, quickly duplicating pages and reusing design patterns, blogging, and publishing workflows (previewing and scheduling posts). 

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Teaching and Course Preparation
Other useful Resources for Faculty