The Injustice of Cultural Heritage Loss: The Case of Nepal

indian colors festival

12:20–1:20 pm EST / 10:50–11:50 pm IST / 11:05 pm – 12:05 am NPT
Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, Room 2012, and online via Zoom

Join the Harvard Human Rights Journal and the Mittal Institute for a discussion about the theft, trafficking, and trade of precious artifacts from Nepal and countries around the world, and the ways in which students and advocates in the United States can advance the right to culture, identity, and property.


Sneha Shrestha, Nepalese Artist, Mittal Institute Arts Program Manager

Erin Thompson, Author, America’s only Crime Professor

Sanjay Adhikari, Nepalese Heritage Lawyer, Environmental Activist

Moderated by Grace Shrestha, Harvard Law School student

Lunch will be provided for those participating in person.

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