Language Programs

indian colors festival

As South Asia emerges as a global cultural, economic, and political power, the study of South Asian languages is becoming increasingly important for understanding our contemporary world. A study of these languages is also essential for developing a critical understanding of the diverse cultures, histories, and literatures of South Asia. The Department of South Asian Studies offers regular instruction in Hindi-Urdu, Sanskrit, Tamil, and Classical Tibetan.


Our language courses take place in small, exciting sections that are infused with a spirit of cooperation. No prior exposure to a South Asian language is expected and most of our students are true beginners. South Asian Studies courses are open to all registered Harvard students. If you are not a Harvard student, check with your university for cross-registration options. *No auditors are allowed in any South Asian Language course. South Asian Language courses may not be taken pass/fail or SAT/UNSAT.*

Placement Exam

Students beginning their language studies at Harvard above the elementary level must take a placement exam in the beginning of the fall semester. Students should speak to their advisor for information on Advance Placement, and consult the Handbook for Students about meeting their language requirements. Students may satisfy the undergraduate language requirement by taking the placement test and placing into the third-year level or higher.

Language Citations

Students wishing to receive a Language Citation in South Asian Studies may view our page for information, but should also refer to the Handbook for Students for full details. *Each language citation program consists of four courses (4 credits per course or equivalent) of language instruction beyond the first-year level and/or courses taught primarily in the foreign language. At least two of these courses must be at the third-year level or beyond. Appropriate courses taken in approved programs of study out of residence for which the student receives Harvard degree credit may be counted toward a citation. Courses that satisfy the requirements for a citation may also be counted toward the distribution requirement, Secondary Field, and/or concentration requirements, as appropriate. Students must complete all courses to count toward the citation with letter grades of B– or better. Regardless of the level at which a student enters a language program at Harvard, all citations require the completion of four courses (4 credits per course or equivalent) taken at Harvard or counted for Harvard degree credit. Language courses that meet these criteria but are bracketed on the transcript may be counted toward a language citation. Some programs require that courses be taken in a particular sequence; students should consult the relevant language advisers for more information. Students who plan to satisfy the requirements for a foreign language citation must complete a Foreign Language Citation Study Plan with the Head Tutor or Director of Undergraduate Studies of the relevant department and file this form with the Registrar as early as the declaration of concentration and no later than the deadline for degree applications in their final term in the College.* Please fill out the Foreign Language Citation Study Plan here.

Independent Language Tutorials

Nepali, Thai, Colloquial Tibetan and other South Asian languages may also be offered through our language tutorial program. With an emphasis on written expression, reading comprehension, and oral fluency, languages in the tutorial program are offered by petition when there is demonstrated curricular or academic need on the part of an undergraduate or GSAS graduate student, and when suitable instruction can be arranged. It is primarily the student’s responsibility to identify an instructor or tutor and to create a plan of study for the semester. These need to be approved by the Office of Undergraduate Education. Students must submit a petition in advance of the desired term of study. In the petition, students must demonstrate a strong academic need to take the language and explain how the language study would fit into their overall academic plan. Career and heritage interest in studying the language is not sufficient for approval. To submit a petition, please follow the instruction on the how to fill out and submit the online form.

Offered as part of our regular curriculum

Offered as language tutorials, 2024-25

(Enrollment is by petition and statements of academic need are due by December 15th. For more information please contact the department at