Onboarding Overview for Teaching Assistants

For booking rooms, you can look to see which classrooms are available and request reservations in the Harvard EMS RoomBook app. https://roombook.fas.harvard.edu/EmsWebApp/ / https://roombook.harvard.edu
For further assistance, you may reach out to Harvard Classrooms (classrooms@fas.harvard.edu). However, per the Registrar’s policy, they will only help find rooms for courses following FAS approved schedules ( https://registrar.fas.harvard.edu/fas-schedule).

For photocopying and printing, HUIT will connect your Harvard approved device to the CrimsonPrint photocopier in the department. Further information and troubleshooting help can be found here: https://huit.harvard.edu/crimson-print.

Further FAS Policy and Guidelines for TA’s can be found here: https://academic-appointments.fas.harvard.edu/b-teaching-assistants.